When we were small, we mostly heard these quotes "You are very intellectual", " You will be very much rich one day". But after when we grow we found that life is tough. We are always made a fool by others.
The ultimate thing is we were good at school studies but we highly lack the financial study which makes life sucks after we are in our 20's. So what to do in the first step towards success. Firstly you have to quit some things which are just embedded to you from childhood.
So things to quit immediately are:
1. Self-doubt: When we come across other's gossip. We found that we are very good at things. And this mindset makes our life tough. Because the smarter the person is, the more is chances of becoming frustrated. We mostly become frustrated because we don't know what to do next. This is called self-doubt. We doubt ourselves and what makes us far behind others. So if you want success, quit this self-doubt and enjoy your life as much as possible by learning things.
2. Judging others: Never ever judge anyone. Its just time wasted. Disturning others personal matter not only just waste your time but also it makes you frustrated and kills your productivity.
3. Blaming others: If you are blaming others then your future is a poor guy who really sucks in their life. Rich people never blame anyone for any reason. If it's any mistake then it's your fault. This should be the ultimate thing in you.
4. Thinking small: Quit this thing as soon as possible because of this thought is killing your creativity, productivity and other essentials. You should think big but that thing should not be up to the thought because that will make you a procrastinator. Think big but achieve that in small steps and make that thing happen.
5. Fearing Risk: You know what you can never ever be rich without taking risks. Leave the fear of risk. Quit that. Risk makes your tomorrow tough, day after tomorrow tougher but after that, it make you king. This is a big true that if you don't take a risk you remain dumb .
So quitting is not a good thing you should not quit. But you should only not to quit your dream. And quit else all. The difference between successful and extremely successful people is extremely successful tell no to almost every thing.
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