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Retire by the age of 21

Hey, are you fed up from your 9 to 5 job? Do you want to be retired by the age of 21? Then stay till the end. This was my story to retire at the age of  21 years. My college was just about to be finished and it was just the means of 1 month that I will get my engineering degree. I went for the interview, after 60 minutes of the interview, they told me after indulging with you, we found that If we will give you a job, you will not be happy, you are very funny and introvert. The thing was that they see potential in me but somehow they didn't want to give me the job. Same the case was here, I also don't want to do job instead I want to become an inventor. I want to sell my own products to the market. I came back home and went to my aunt's house, and told about the same. Now, I want to get out of the box for this whole life. I have a great idea. And I want to pursue that. My aunt said that, this is your perfect time to gain everything you want. You do not have bank's pay...
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                                                        MY BIGGEST                           MISTAKES IN LIFE When we were in our childhood, we found that all tell about our future that you will be very successful or you will become weird. But it doesn't really matter. This always depends on how difficult or failure you have seen in your childhood. Or it depends upon the mindset of child whether he/she wants to become something or not. But when anyone becomes young to compete with the world but many are unable because they have done blunders. So here are some of the mistakes that you should manage: Not investing at age 18: Just go for google and search some of the shares which you want to buy. Now find the prices of that stokes at the year when you were at 18. So you can get...

7 things showing why you didn't become a millionaire

Today, the time is just asking for the things which make you rich and richer. Today, doing side hustles is not for making you rich but these are necessities.  Having money will not provide you happiness but the money will give you freedom. Big freedom! So this is very important to become financially strong for everyone. And who doesn't want to be? So for becoming financially strong, this blog will be covering the part to avoid those mistakes which don't allow for you to go for richer. Doing it alone: You can't do it alone. it doesn't mean that you will tell your whole secrets to the other people. You should avoid to do it alone because you can not go big alone. This means that you have to generate a great team. The team which should help you to learn great things. Having the team doesn't mean that you will go for the ruler of the team. You should not make friends in that team or a family. Not repeating successful actions: Sometimes we work smart and hard for...

Should I listen to the financial news in the corona Pandemic recession?

The problem which was in 2019 December become massive trough out the world now. And that problem is pandemic which is on each and every tongue and that is Covid-19 Corona Virus. So as you can see the price of almost every share is at "rock bottom". The companies are losing their control over the customers, and some companies are just going to bankruptcy. Some company even do not have money to give it to their employees. And now it is up to us how we can remain financially strong. Financial news channels, they are just making you panic. So this is not time to go panic but go aggressive in this recession. I am not telling you to buy any stocks at this stage. But indirectly I am telling you to buy it. Have a long term mindset. So there are some of the ways in which you should work smart. And that Firstly saves your money as much as possible. Don't waste in subscriptions or else. Secondly, you can sell your stocks if you are finding that the company is going bankrupt. ...

How should you sell when there are many choices and people have less time?

In this world, everyone is there to run there business. Everyone wants that they have more sales and not only more sales. They want to increase their profit. This is obvious. But what are you doing to tackle this? What extra steps are being taken by you? Did they work? If they work put which extent? So in this blog, we are just going to discuss these things. One day I was traveling with my family and on the way, I found a dog. I shouted Wow! There's a dog. Then the family shouted at me, Have you never seen it before? I said No" That was running on these two legs. My brother stopped the car. Reverse it and they found that "There was an advertisement". So what is the ultimate thing? The thing is people are starving for new things. One person has come to this life to have a great experience. They just want something very very shocking. Just like a dog with two legs and not only two legs but also it was running. So in this story, you can have an idea, That how you c...

World is asking for new ventures but why people fail even smartest?

Whenever we talk about new ventures. We directly or indirectly come over the startups. Startups change the whole world. A few years back the internet was unaware of the world. Now the world is unaware because of the internet. We can see that have these startups have changed our livings. Cars were not a need. Now they are needed. Then power steering was not needed but they are. In a similar way, this world is starving for new ventures. Which are there but hidden somewhere and we have to reveal it. Those who reveal are now the king and ruling the economy.  This is known to all that these entrepreneurs solved a problem even small or big. The founder of Ford sees that there's a difficulty for a driver with steering and seat. He just wants to solve this problem. So in his garage, he tries that. He failed, failed, failed and finally he does something extra.  Many people solve the problems by creating the product or by advancing the product but still, they are not able to go f...

Quit these immediately

When we were small, we mostly heard these quotes "You are very intellectual", " You will be very much rich one day". But after when we grow we found that life is tough. We are always made a fool by others. The ultimate thing is we were good at school studies but we highly lack the financial study which makes life sucks after we are in our 20's. So what to do in the first step towards success. Firstly you have to quit some things which are just embedded to you from childhood.  So things to quit immediately are: 1. Self-doubt: When we come across other's gossip. We found that we are very good at things. And this mindset makes our life tough. Because the smarter the person is, the more is chances of becoming frustrated. We mostly become frustrated because we don't know what to do next. This is called self-doubt. We doubt ourselves and what makes us far behind others. So if you want success, quit this self-doubt and enjoy your life as much as possi...